I have to say, for all of those who are huge fans of slasher horrors;
this by far is the best film for you! The gore starts from the moment the film
starts by covering the history of the massacre in the old coal mine ten years
ago, and throughout the film right until the end. If you are really that
interested in the gore itself more than the horror, then the 3D feature within
the film perfectly ensures that human eyes, hearts and other body parts coming
flying out of the screen towards you! The film is full of jump-scares, although
some are unfortunately unexpected. For the full horror experience, I recommend
that if you decide to watch this, ensure that you are shrouded in darkness! The
film itself is very eerie at points and I believe that this is down to the
character of 'the miner' and the spooky mines themselves.
I must say, the miner character was an absolutely exceptional idea in gripping the audience's nerves due to the creepy way he rapidly breathed in and out to make a frightening sound. The mines - well they were a truly sublime setting for a horror. I have to say that I was very impressed with this idea, as I have never witnessed a horror movie use old coal mines as the setting, so it was good to see something new. They perfectly developed a spooky atmosphere, since the mines were abandoned after the massacre 10 years ago, until now being used again on the 10th anniversary of Valentine's Day.
I must say, the miner character was an absolutely exceptional idea in gripping the audience's nerves due to the creepy way he rapidly breathed in and out to make a frightening sound. The mines - well they were a truly sublime setting for a horror. I have to say that I was very impressed with this idea, as I have never witnessed a horror movie use old coal mines as the setting, so it was good to see something new. They perfectly developed a spooky atmosphere, since the mines were abandoned after the massacre 10 years ago, until now being used again on the 10th anniversary of Valentine's Day.
I would say this film was decent - not an ultimate failure (as most
horrors are nowadays) but not amazing although it had its fantastic features. A
lot of the film was easy to anticipate and I kind of knew right away that Tom
Hanniger (Jensen Ackles) was the killer overall. There were too many hints in
his character throughout the film and so despite the attempts to make the
ending such a surprise, it wasn't really, for me. The movie lasts a fairly long
time being 101 minutes, and being directed by Patrick Lussier. In the mining town
of Harmony, a drilling accident is caused by the son of the owner, Tom Hanniger
(Jensen Ackles). The mine collapses, burying six miners alive. The rescue team
finds only Harry Warden (Richard John Walters) alive, but in coma, and the
other miners murdered by his pickaxe, and they conclude that Harry killed them
to save oxygen for himself. On Valentine's Day, Harry awakes from his coma in
the local hospital, and he kills twenty-two people, including a group of
teenagers that are partying in the mine. Harry is killed by the deputy, but the
only survivors are Tom Hanniger, his girlfriend Sarah (Jaime King), their
friend Axel Palmer (Kerr Smith) and his girlfriend Irene (Betsy Rue). Ten years
later, Tom returns to Harmony after the death of his father. Tom has decided to
sell the Hanniger Mine, and finds that Sarah has married Axel, who is now the
local sheriff, and they have a son named Noah. On Valentine's Day, Harry Warden
also returns, seeking revenge against those that had escaped his pickaxe in the
past and Tom is accused by Axel and other locals, who in turn makes accusations
against Axel.
The plot was fairly average in my opinion, being rather clichéd about a
killer wanting to avenge the teenagers who escaped his massacre. The acting was
also average - there were too many moments where some characters did not seem
shocked at all or desperate to get away from the miner by doing completely
stupid, and clichéd things such as walking backwards into the entrance of a
house. I mean come on, it's so expected that from the camera angle, a scare
would be coming and within seconds, the miner would recklessly slice the victim
in two.
Another thing I am shocked with so far is that there has not been a
sequel to this film. At the end we clearly see Tom escape from the mines by
using an old gas mask, so is that it? Has he just run away now, or will he
perhaps go on another killing spree on another valentine's day?
One feature I forgot to mention that I really liked was near the end,
when Axel and his wife were hiding from the miner. As he smashed the light
bulbs one by one, there was a flicker in his appearance from his normal body,
and the miner suit which helped to build tension and momentum.
Overall, I thought it was a fairly average film. The plot was simple
(but clichéd sadly), there was an overwhelming amount of blood and guts - a.k.a
- a pure bloodshed! However, I was disappointed with the acting at numerous
incidents and the ending unfortunately wasn't the best for me either. I would
recommend it however as in the slasher category, it was very good. Worth a
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